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Reduce HGVs Emissions Now & Save Money

Hub360 were invited to speak at Irelands sustainability conference this summer and the message we focused on getting out there at the conference was that organisations can optimise the use of HGVs to achieve both emission reduction and cost savings now in 2023, and to do this it’s simply not rocket science, its straightforward yet highly effective solution: organisations should wholeheartedly embrace change and harness technology to maximise the efficiency of their Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).

For instance:

By monitoring lorry volumes and weight, organisations can maximise lorry space and reduce the need for extra trips.

Automating customer communications can reduce idle time and create more time for additional deliveries during a single trip.

Utilising routing and scheduling optimisation tools with AI can establish the most efficient loads and routes for HGVs.

As an example, at HUB360, we worked with a customer who operates around 150 lorries daily and completes an average of 360 deliveries. By implementing the measures mentioned above, including optimisation technology and streamlined communications, this customer achieved an astounding 50% reduction in their delivery-related greenhouse gas emissions, independently verified. This reduction not only benefits the environment but also results in significant cost savings, increased capacity, and expansion opportunities.

Considering the scale at which these vehicles operate, with 6.2 million lorries in the EU alone, even a small reduction in emissions from each lorry can have a substantial cumulative effect. By implementing these changes across the board, we can make a remarkable impact on carbon emissions, bringing about change for individual businesses and our environment.

Let's embrace these solutions and work together toward a greener and more sustainable future.