How the Cloud Enables Business Process Improvements and How Hub 360 Uses it to Enable You

As more and more modern businesses look towards digital transformation to gain a competitive advantage, public cloud engagement is also increasing in line with it as a result. According to Forbes, within a year, roughly 8 out of 10 enterprise processes will occur on the cloud, across numerous sectors such as Healthcare and Financial Services.

What is driving this shift in operation for so many companies are the improvements in customer satisfaction and efficiency that invariably accompany digital transformation and it would seem to be a modern paradigm that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. 

So, how does the cloud make all of this possible?

A Highly Versatile Infrastructure

The cloud enables businesses across the world to operate dynamically and proactively as it offers a highly versatile infrastructure on which to work more intelligently and efficiently.

Business agility - it’s all about being agile in 21st-century commerce and the cloud provides the platform and computing capabilities that allow companies to react quickly to changes in their industry. 

Business security - the cloud is also a great place for businesses to host databases, as it protects sensitive data against system failure, data breaches, system malfunctions and ‘disasters’.

Cost-effectiveness - When a business doesn’t have to invest in and manage their own infrastructure, scalability becomes not only easier, but also less costly. The cloud allows companies to cut their cloth according to the prevailing demands of the industry they’re in.

How HUB 360 Uses the Cloud to Empower Its Customers

At HUB 360, we offer digital delivery technologies that harness the power of the cloud to the benefit of our customers. By providing complete real-time transparency of all of your delivery processes, we help our clients to work more efficiently, more productively and ultimately more profitably. 

Companies with happier customers are generally more successful and our cloud-based services allow those expecting deliveries to be kept informed throughout - even allowing them to track their deliveries themselves.

Our digital delivery services also allow for:

  • Optimal use of all business resources

  • The automation of time-consuming tasks

  • Paperless document storage and retrieval

  • An overview of all business operations, enabling adjustments to be made for greater efficiency

There is much to be gained from adopting cloud-based digital technologies and companies who do take the plunge and adopt them sooner rather than later are most certainly preparing themselves for future success. 

Interested in Knowing More?

According to the Cloud Industry Forum, 72% of organisations are expected to adopt digital transformation in the next 24 months. The question is, can you afford to be part of the group that doesn’t? If you’re interested in knowing more about adopting digital technologies backed by the power of the cloud, we recommend you take a look around our website where you’ll find what you need to know and more.

Alternatively, should you want to discuss your requirements with us directly, fill out our customer contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


HUB360 - Delighted to be Export-Ready and Part of Gateway to Growth


HUB 360 is recognised for it’s potential on the international stage