The Future of Supply Chain & Logistics - Technology Trends for 2021

Smart technologies are making a big difference across industries of all kinds and the supply chain and logistics sector is one where the benefits are being felt most acutely. Logistics has, for many years, been known for labour-intensive processes and fragmented methods of storing data.

Perhaps no surprise then that the time and cost savings offered by IoT and other mobile technologies are driving big changes in the methods being used in logistics. Covid too has brought these benefits into closer focus, as remote working and distancing are made that much easier through their application.

Automation, augmented intelligence and advanced analytics are just some of the advancements that have made this possible. We now look at the technology trends that have become apparent during the singularly unique year that has been 2020.

AI-Powered Time & Cost Savings

Both artificial and augmented intelligence technology has been adopted by many companies looking to compete and survive during 2020 and that’s expected to continue. Automation has been instrumental in taking care of much of the tedious and time-consuming tasks that have historically been carried out manually.

The benefits of employing AI are obvious, as it essentially allows professionals within the logistics sector to carry out their work more quickly, whilst simultaneously mitigating errors and saving money.

Digital Twins Technology 

As those in manufacturing are already aware, computer models are often different to the physical product that’s created. That’s because computer modelling fails to consider changing owner needs and other factors like wear and tear. 

Digital twins technology helps in this regard, as it allows digital models to be interacted with just like a physical product, highlighting inefficiencies and problems much earlier than would otherwise occur. and the great thing is that it’s extremely useful in logistics too.

Digital twins technology is set to be increasingly popular in 2021, with delivery networks able to use it to increase efficiency and evaluate different scenarios. The real-time data that this technology provides can be used to assist autonomous vehicles and improve delivery times, so expect to see it increasingly used in 2021.

The Increased Use of Robotics

Something else to keep your eye on as we move into 2021 is the increased adoption of robotics in the supply chain. Route planning, live vehicle tracking and intelligent transportation are just some of the benefits being offered and enjoyed by logistics professionals, but this is just the tip of the iceberg of what we might be seeing soon.

Automated picking robots, sustainability solutions and delivery robots for last-mile delivery tasks are expected to be seen much more over the next 12 months.

Real-Time Visibility of the Supply Chain 

We couldn’t talk about technology and its effect on logistics without talking about real-time supply chain visibility. The advantage that the real-time data provides to businesses that deliver goods has made it something a necessity to compete, rather than a luxury. This fact is likely to become ever-more apparent moving in 2021. 

Data relating to important factors like weather, traffic patterns, optimized routes and more can be used to great effect to reduce costs. Fully-integrated supply chains are reportedly enjoying efficiency improvements in excess of 20% thanks to constantly improving technologies of this type, so expect this to continue in the same vein in the near future.

The Future’s Bright for Logistics & Customers Alike

There’s no mistaking the fact that logistics companies are under increasing pressure to deliver more whilst simultaneously reducing costs. The good news is that the technologies we’ve mentioned (and this is just a small selection of those available) are making it all possible, making the future bright for the industry and for customers who can expect more transparent and reliable delivery services.

At HUB 360, our ‘no contact’ delivery platform harnesses the power of mobile technologies to enable seamless goods distribution, efficient use of resources, transparent delivery management, the removal of single points of failure, contactless working and more.

If you would like to know more about what we can do for your logistics infrastructure, visit us online at where you’ll find everything you need to know. Alternatively, to book a demo of the HUB360 platform, simply click ‘REQUEST DEMO’ on our homepage and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


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