Unlocking the Value of Site-Won Asphalt: A Smarter, More Sustainable Future for Road Maintenance
Site-won asphalt refers to asphalt that is carefully removed during road resurfacing or maintenance projects. Instead of discarding this valuable resource, it can be collected, processed, and reused—helping to create stronger roads, lower costs, and reduce environmental impact.
How Hub360 Contributes to Compliance with EFRAG Reporting Requirements
As the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) tightens its guidelines for sustainability reporting, companies must adapt to these comprehensive standards. Hub360 is a powerful tool that aids organizations in meeting these requirements by efficiently collecting, managing, and reporting relevant data. Here’s a detailed look at the data points from the draft EFRAG list where Hub360 contributes significantly.
Hub360 Transforming Road Planning & Site-Won Asphalt Management for Asphalt Producers
At the core of the Hub360 platform is its robust ability to meticulously track and document every significant detail of site-won asphalt material movements, enhancing compliance and operational oversight for road planning and RAP plant management.