Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Bridging Construction’s Responsibility Gap: Insights from the EPA 2024 Report and How Hub360 Can Help

The EPA State of the Environment Report 2024 underscores the construction sector’s significant environmental footprint, especially in terms of waste generation and emissions. Despite ambitious environmental policies in place, the report highlights serious deficits in how Ireland has implemented EU environmental legislation, making it clear that more rigorous enforcement and accountability are required. The construction sector, in particular, must take responsibility for addressing high levels of waste and emissions as it contributes significantly to environmental degradation.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

The Future of Compliance: Why Leading Developers Are Going Paperless

In an evolving construction landscape, where sustainability and efficiency are paramount, one of Ireland’s largest developers has recently made headlines by refusing to accept paper-based documentation from suppliers and subcontractors on their project sites. This bold move is not just about cutting down on tedious, time-consuming processes, but is also aimed at ensuring compliance
with various new regulations that demand accountability in both environmental and operational aspects.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Waste Management Responsibility for Local Authorities Under the Circular Economy Act 2022

The Circular Economy and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2022 places significant responsibilities on local authorities when they manage infrastructure or construction projects. Just like private developers, local authorities are classified as the waste producers for any project they oversee, meaning they bear full legal responsibility for managing waste in compliance with strict environmental regulations.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Why Proper Waste Tracking is Critical for Green Funding Compliance in Construction Projects: Insights from the EU Taxonomy Regulation

The construction industry is under increasing pressure to adopt sustainable practices, particularly as governments and financial institutions tie green funding to strict environmental standards. One of the most crucial aspects of achieving compliance with these standards is proper waste tracking. The EU Taxonomy Regulation (2020/852) sets out clear technical screening criteria that construction projects must meet to qualify for green funding. Proper waste management and resource use monitoring are essential for demonstrating compliance and securing investment. Here’s why.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

The Importance of Transparent Reporting and Audit Trails in Green Finance: How Hub360 Supports Public Bodies

As the European Union sharpens its focus on sustainable finance, the recent adoption of the European Green Bond (EuGB) standard marks a pivotal step in ensuring that funds raised for green projects are used responsibly and transparently. For public bodies accessing green finance, this development highlights the critical need to report on their sustainability practices and maintain a proper audit trail for scrutiny. Hub360 is a crucial tool in achieving these objectives, ensuring that public sector entities not only comply with new regulations but also set a benchmark for transparency and accountability in green finance.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Managing Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste: How Hub360 Supports Sustainable Practices

The construction and demolition (C&D) sector is a significant contributor to waste generation, accounting for approximately one-third of all waste produced annually in the European Union. With C&D waste consisting largely of excavated soil and stone (around 85%), along with materials like concrete, brick, tiles, glass, metal, plastic, and wood, managing this waste stream effectively is crucial. At Hub360, we are committed to helping organisations in the construction sector implement sustainable waste management oversight that align with evolving regulations and contribute to the circular economy.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Closing the Digital Divide: How Local Governments Are Expected to Lead by Example in the Construction Industry’s Shift to a Circular Economy

The concept of a circular economy—where resources are kept in use for as long as possible, extracting maximum value before recovering and regenerating products and materials at the end of their service life—is crucial for the construction industry. With construction and demolition activities accounting for a significant portion of global waste, the sector is at the forefront of the circular economy challenge. However, without the proper digital tools to track material flows, monitor waste streams, and ensure compliance with sustainability directives, achieving circular economy goals remains out of reach.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Ending Levy Exemptions for Construction Waste: The Key Role of Hub360 in Real-Time Tracking

Starting 1 September 2024, Ireland will see a significant change in its waste management regulations. The Waste Recovery and Landfill Levy Regulations will be amended to remove exemptions for Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste. This blog delves into the implications of this change and highlights how Hub360's digital tracking capabilities will play a crucial role in this new landscape.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Navigating the Critical Raw Materials Act: The Importance of Reporting and How Hub360 Can Support Compliance

In May this year, the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) came into effect in Ireland, marking a significant step forward in the EU’s efforts to secure a sustainable and reliable supply of critical raw materials. The Act is designed to help Europe achieve its 2030 climate and digital objectives by ensuring that these essential materials are sourced, used, and recycled in a sustainable and efficient manner.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

How to Ensure Compliance with Environmental Regulations with Hub360

Compliance with environmental regulations is a critical aspect of managing construction projects. Failure to meet these regulations could result in fines, legal issues, and damage to a company’s reputation. Hub360 offers a comprehensive solution to support your construction site staying compliant with environmental regulations. In this blog post, we will explore how Hub360 contributes to your compliance oversight, while also enhancing your overall site management.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

5 Ways to Improve Construction Site Management with Hub360's Technology

Effective construction site management is essential for the success of any project. With numerous materials and waste to handle, keeping track of everything can be challenging. Hub360 offers innovative technology designed to streamline these processes, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and compliance. Here are five ways Hub360 can improve your construction site management.

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