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Bridging Construction’s Responsibility Gap: Insights from the EPA 2024 Report and How Hub360 Can Help

The EPA State of the Environment Report 2024 underscores the construction sector’s significant environmental footprint, especially in terms of waste generation and emissions. Despite ambitious environmental policies in place, the report highlights serious deficits in how Ireland has implemented EU environmental legislation, making it clear that more rigorous enforcement and accountability are required. The construction sector, in particular, must take responsibility for addressing high levels of waste and emissions as it contributes significantly to environmental degradation.

The report calls for systemic changes and stresses the need for verifiable data to track material use, emissions, and waste management, especially as Ireland moves towards a circular economy. This is where Hub360 can provide critical support by offering digital tools that help businesses in the construction sector close compliance gaps.

Key Insights from the EPA Report: Who Needs to Step Up?

The report points to several sectors that need to step up their game, with construction standing out due to its waste generation and high carbon footprint. According to the EPA, local authorities and businesses alike must improve enforcement and implementation of waste regulations to protect Ireland’s environment.

There is also a strong emphasis on the role of public bodies, noting that green public procurement and sustainable practices within the sector are essential. However, the report reveals a “poor” overall performance in terms of transitioning to a circular economy, with Ireland’s recycling and reuse rates lagging behind EU averages. The construction industry, in particular, is singled out for its reliance on primary materials and low recycling rates, which must change to meet national and EU waste reduction targets.

How Hub360 Supports Compliance and Responsibility

Hub360 is uniquely positioned to help the construction industry meet these growing responsibilities and align with environmental goals. Our platform offers the verifiable data needed to support compliance with the following regulations:

  • EU Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC): Supporting waste reduction and recycling efforts by tracking and verifying material use and waste disposal.

  • Circular Economy Action Plan (2020): Enabling businesses to transition to sustainable material use, reducing reliance on primary materials, and optimising reuse and recycling efforts.

  • EU Emissions Trading System (ETS): Helping businesses track carbon emissions from material transport and waste management, supporting emissions monitoring and reporting.

In addition to these specific regulations, Hub360 offers:

  • Material and Waste Tracking: Hub360 supports compliance by providing real-time, verifiable data on material usage and waste management, helping businesses create audit-ready records that meet the requirements of the EU Waste Framework Directive and the Circular Economy Action Plan.

  • Carbon Emissions Reporting: As noted in the EPA report, tracking carbon emissions is a key part of compliance with the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Hub360’s platform enables businesses to monitor and report on their emissions, ensuring they stay on track with environmental regulations.

  • Support for Circular Economy Goals: With Ireland’s circular material use rate at just 1.8%, well below the EU average, the construction industry must focus on recycling, reuse, and resource efficiency. Hub360 provides the data and insights businesses need to shift towards more sustainable practices, reducing their reliance on primary materials and supporting the national transition to a circular economy.

Taking Responsibility for the Future

The EPA State of the Environment Report is a wake-up call for the construction sector. The report makes it clear that businesses must take greater responsibility for their environmental impact, particularly in the areas of waste management and emissions. With Ireland facing significant challenges in achieving its environmental policy objectives, accelerated action is needed.

Hub360 provides the digital tools to help businesses in the construction sector fulfil their regulatory obligations, reduce waste, and take meaningful steps toward sustainability. By offering verifiable data tracking and supporting circular economy goals, Hub360 enables businesses to meet the demands of today’s environmental regulations and prepare for the future.

Is your construction business ready to meet these challenges? Contact Hub360 today to learn how our solutions can support your compliance and sustainability efforts.