Digital Transformation - Helping Companies Keeping Working During Uncertain Times

It can’t have escaped your notice that the world has changed somewhat over the last month or two and the restriction on movement is having a huge impact on business mechanisms around the world. However, this issue and the problems it presents are able to be mitigated using digital transformation technologies that allow for remote working.

While a delivery business can’t avoid having certain keyworkers onsite to manage truck loading activity, there are many roles in logistics that can be performed over the internet using web app and mobile app technologies. And with no real end to the current Coronavirus situation in sight, companies are going to have to adapt to new ways of working.

Flexible Working Solutions

The significant advancements in remote working technologies over the last 5 years have given rise to much more flexible ways of team deployment - as can be seen from the findings of a 2018 Deloitte survey into working practices. Surveying 1,000 office workers across Switzerland, some interesting facts were uncovered, with some positives and negatives highlighted.

The Positives

  • Most Swiss office workers now use digital devices and technologies for all types of work

  • Those surveyed expect this to increase over the coming years

  • 39% of office workers in Switzerland work outside of their place of work for one or more days per week 

  • 72% of workers surveyed are afforded the freedom to decide how they distribute their work between work and office

The Negatives

  • 42% of surveyed personnel are provided with the devices that would allow them to work remotely

  • 29% of workers don’t have access to technology-based collaboration tools

  • Just 39% of workers said their company had flexible working guidelines

  • Only 30% stated that their office supported flexible working locations

The findings of the survey are certainly illuminating, as it shows that while there have been a lot of changes to the way businesses work, there is still a long way to go until the majority of companies can truly say they are digitally transformed.

The definition of a successful digital transformation is a workplace that has a clear, all-encompassing and coherent strategy with the talent within the business being fully leveraged via the physical workspace and connectivity. When employed correctly, it leads to enhanced employee performance and satisfaction, as well as resilience when coping with issues that restrict employee movement like Coronavirus.

HUB 360 Technologies - A Leader in the Field

The findings from the Deloitte survey apply very much to the management of the supply chain and at HUB 360, our delivery software platform allows many staff to work anywhere at any time, and facilitates real-time contact with onsite workers who are managing all truck-loading activities. The HUB 360 platform facilitates real-time chats between admin staff and those picking and loading the vehicles - meaning your business can continue, even during exceptional times like we’re seeing today.

If you’d like to know more about our software platform which is also proven to increase customer satisfaction, eliminate single points of failure and reduce your operational costs, we recommend you take a look around our website

Alternatively, if you’d like to talk to us about how our system can help you to continue working during these difficult times or you’d like to request a demo, simply fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

Thanks for reading and stay safe.


The HUB 360 App Based Delivery Platform - Helping Logistics Personnel Stay Safe From COVID-19


HUB360 - Delighted to be Export-Ready and Part of Gateway to Growth