Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Closing the Digital Divide: How Local Governments Are Expected to Lead by Example in the Construction Industry’s Shift to a Circular Economy

The concept of a circular economy—where resources are kept in use for as long as possible, extracting maximum value before recovering and regenerating products and materials at the end of their service life—is crucial for the construction industry. With construction and demolition activities accounting for a significant portion of global waste, the sector is at the forefront of the circular economy challenge. However, without the proper digital tools to track material flows, monitor waste streams, and ensure compliance with sustainability directives, achieving circular economy goals remains out of reach.

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denise o'kelly denise o'kelly

Harnessing Hub360 for Enhanced Resource Management in Building and Infrastructure Projects

In today's eco-conscious market, the demand for sustainable project management tools is at an all-time high. Hub360 is emerging as a powerful ally for project stakeholders such as government agencies, local authorities, and developers, who seek to optimize resource use and reduce environmental impact. This platform not only supports compliance with evolving standards but also significantly enhances sustainability practices through advanced data utilization.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Michael Smith Jnr Transforms M.Smith Haulage & Sons with the HUB360 App

We've recently jumped on board with the Hub360 App. We ditched the paperwork, and it's been a game-changer. 

“The Hub360 App put an end to all the paper headaches—no more dealing with paper dockets, lost paperwork, or storage issues. Now, we have smooth workflows that really boost our day-to-day efficiency.”

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Why Prioritising Digital Solutions for Construction & Demolition Waste Management is Essential?

Ireland’s updated Waste Management guidelines for Construction & Demolition Projects 2021 prioritises the adoption of a circular economy, emphasising reuse and recycling over disposal. This means tracking, tracing and auditing of the movement of Construction materials where the developer must “maintain records for all resource material which is used on site and leaves the site, either for reuse, recycling, energy recovery, backfilling or other recovery or disposal on third party sites” as laid out in the EPA Best Practice Guideline 2021 - for the preparation of resource & waste management plans for construction & demolition projects.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Understanding the ease and efficiency digital PODs bring to Tipper & Bulk sectors

The advent of technology has transformed various industries, and the tipper & bulk sector is no exception. With the introduction of the Tipper & Bulk App and its digital Proof of Delivery (POD) feature, life has become significantly easier for all stakeholders involved. In this blog post, we will explore how the Tipper & Bulk App revolutionizes operations by offering a digital POD solution, benefiting drivers, businesses, and customers alike.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

3 Reasons the Construction Industry Must Fear the Cost of Inaction on Digital Logistics: Lost Revenue, Reduced Efficiency, and Climate Consequences

The delivery of goods, movement of materials, and use of emission-heavy-duty trucks are all areas where digital technologies can help improve efficiency, sustainability, and safety. Despite this the construction industry has been slow to adopt digital technologies in its logistics operations, and this has resulted in outdated business practices that are inefficient, costly, and unsustainable.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

HUB360 & How CFOs Are Turning to Automation to Cut Costs

It's clear that digital acceleration is a clear spending priority in 2023 and back-office operations are certainly being focused upon. A separate and slightly earlier CEO/CFO study showed that around ⅓rd of 128 respondents stated that they'll be prioritizing back-office automation (the most popular of 13 different technology investment categories).

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

How Businesses Are Refocusing Digital Efforts On Changing Customer Expectations

Much has changed in the business world since the end of March 2020 when Covid-19 became the world-restricting paradigm that it is today. This has necessitated many ‘brick-and-mortar’ businesses to switch to an ecommerce model, as customers have had to drastically change the way they make their purchases.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

Digital Transformation - Helping Companies Keeping Working During Uncertain Times

It can’t have escaped your notice that the world has changed somewhat over the last month or two and the restriction on movement is having a huge impact on business mechanisms around the world. However, this issue and the problems it presents are able to be mitigated using digital transformation technologies that allow for remote working.

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Valentin Vizuroiu Valentin Vizuroiu

It's Really Time to Think About Digital Transformation to Better Manage Your Supply Chain

In the world of logistics and goods delivery, there is an increasing awareness of the need to embrace emerging supply chain technologies in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. There are a wealth of digital advancements that are making logistics operations work smarter and more efficient and it really is time to think about adopting it for your supply chain.

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